Newborn photos capture the innocence and beauty of this very special stage in your little one’s life. Once you’ve booked a newborn photo shoot, you can start planning the poses you’d like captured. Professional photographers take a different posing approach with newborns since babies can’t hold their heads upright in the first few weeks of life, and safety is always the primary concern. As you come up with ideas, also think about props, which may literally prop up your newborn in certain shots. These might include different outfits, accessories, blankets, or baskets. Of course, make sure that any props you bring or that the photographer provides are both safe and comfortable for your new baby.
Here are some posing suggestions:
On Their Backs
This simple pose is the most comfortable for your newborn since it’s the way new babies naturally sleep. Newborns aren’t very predictable, so you might end up with shots of both a sleeping angel and wide-eyed baby who wants to turn in the opposite direction. This is also a great pose to capture stretches, which newborns love to do.
Frog Pose
This is one of the cutest shots of newborn babies, with their hands on their chins and little legs tucked in at the sides. It can be a bit tricky (as mentioned above, neck control doesn’t exist in the first few weeks), but your photographer will know exactly how to position them, resting on their bums with their legs bent at their sides, elbows on the floor and hands rested under their chins. If all else fails, we can finish the shots in Photoshop.
Side Pose
Babies look so sweet curled up in front of the camera. To achieve this pose, the photographer gently moves your baby’s body sideways, folding their legs at the knees and placing their hands under the head.
A swaddled pose is extremely comforting to your baby. Bring a familiar blanket from home, and perhaps a matching hat. An interesting or intricate design on the blanket will add texture to the photo. The baby might be completely wrapped up in some shots and with some hands and feet sticking out in others.
Chins Resting Hands
Resting a baby’s chin on their hands makes babies look as if they’re thinking deep thoughts, are contemplating life – or are just bored. It also makes newborn faces look squishy and wonderful.
Bottoms Up
One of the most popular newborn baby poses is the “bum up” pose. You can do this pose in a variety of ways; just make sure the baby is safe and comfortable.
Tucking the legs under the bottom while placing the hands under the chin will keep the baby’s body tucked into a little ball, creating those cute wrinkles.
On Their Tummies
This pose has several options for good shots, but make sure the baby’s face is never obstructed.
Womb Pose
This newborn pose works best with sleeping babies. Since the baby’s feet are curled up and their body is folded in half, this is sometimes called the taco pose!
Try Some Close-Ups
Definitely consider some close-up shots during your newborn shoot. Zooming in on small details like noses, hands, and feet can create some amazing photographs. Another great closeup shot is one of a parent holding the newborn’s hand or foot, or a shot of the baby held in the parent’s hands.
Capture a Yawn
As with photos of people at any age, a newborn’s personality can come out at unexpected moments. These photos are often favorites because they look the most natural. And since newborns are always yawning, your photographer won’t have to wait long to take those shots.
Ready to get started? If you’re looking for a newborn photographer with a stellar reputation in the Austin, Georgetown, and Pflugerville area, contact Cynthia Hamilton Photography. Click here to leave your information and we’ll get back to you promptly to schedule a session.