Me: I should be editing and culling galleries, but instead got sidetracked and decided to go back and practice some new editing techniques on my sweet girl from over a year ago. I don’t post a whole lot of before and after shots, but I was asked a question the other day that made me think maybe I should.
A client was asking me my opinions on great cameras for taking photos. Of course I gave her my 2 cents but then I went down the rabbit hole. A lot of people think that cameras are what makes the photos great, but there are so many more components that have taken a number of years to learn, and I am still learning every single day. It’s not just the camera, but the lens for what you are trying to achieve, the composition and one of the most important things that people tend to forget: The artistic vision of the person behind the camera and the editing that takes place after.
For example, I have been to shootouts where photographers are all taking the same photo of a subject, but how no one final image looks the same, but all beautiful in many different ways. (This is part of the reason I am reluctant to show clients the back of my camera when taking photos outside). If I showed you the first picture, it would be hard for you to envision what I see the final image as.
It’s also our job as photographers to educate our clients. This image in particular probably took a good 8 minutes to edit. Newborn images can sometimes take up to 30+ minutes per image depending on the image and what needs to be done to it. Anyway, here is my before and after and my project of avoidance in doing the list of tasks I really need to do.